Med-TeXpert is committed to uniting healthcare innovation and eXpertise through tailored clinical eXperiences and educational podcasts and webinars.

Med-TeXpert is committed to uniting healthcare innovation and eXpertise through tailored clinical eXperiences and educational podcasts and webinars.
Med-TeXpert is committed to uniting healthcare innovation and eXpertise through tailored clinical eXperiences and educational podcasts and webinars.

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About Med-TeXperts
At Med-TeXperts we believe we are stronger together. Our goal is to disrupt the status quo by leading the way as innovators and educators in the healthcare space from eLearning development to webinar creation.
Meet The Med-TeXperts Contributors

Ted Newill
President and CEO of Medical
Device Success

Skender Daerti
CEO and Founder of The Clinician Exchange (TCX)

Scott Alexander
CEO of Jairus Micromarketing

Thomas L. Hickey
Partner Excelerant Consulting & Host of Medtech Gurus

Mike Sperduti
CEO of Emerge Sales

Barbara Strain
Principal of Barbara Strain
Consulting, LLC

Frank J. Ripullo
Founder and Managing Partner of Excelerant Consulting
*Frank was a contributor in 2021

Colleen Patterson
Executive Vice President at The Clinician eXchange

Stephanie Pitts
Sr. Director, Healthcare Strategy & Innovation of B. Braun Medical, Inc.

Abby Norfleet
VP Customer Experience of Kurin, Inc.

Ted Newill
President and CEO of Medical
Device Success

Skender Daerti
CEO and Founder of The Clinician Exchange (TCX)

Scott Alexander
CEO of Jairus Micromarketing

Thomas L. Hickey
Partner Excelerant Consulting & Host of Medtech Gurus

Mike Sperduti
CEO of Emerge Sales

Barbara Strain
Principal of Barbara Strain
Consulting, LLC

Frank J. Ripullo
Founder and Managing Partner of Excelerant Consulting
*Frank was a contributor in 2021

Colleen Patterson
Executive Vice President at The Clinician eXchange

Stephanie Pitts
Sr. Director, Healthcare Strategy & Innovation of B. Braun Medical, Inc.

Abby Norfleet
VP Customer Experience of Kurin, Inc.
Contact the Med-TeXperts Team:
Have Questions? We're always here to help. For questions or more information on Med-TeXperts please fill out the form to connect with us.